
Commercial video services

At Mashmaker, we understand that it's personal because it's your business. Whether you're communicating to existing customers or new, industry peers, employees or investors - we know that the right message matters and how you communicate it, even more so. Not only can videos can convey more information in less time than blog posts, but they can also boost engagement, enhance brand awareness and increase product familiarity and understanding.

Contact us today to learn more how we can help with:

Top quality, quick turnaround and competitive pricing guaranteed.

Personalised video services

At Mashmaker, we’ll help you to share your unique message and to treasure your precious memories. Making Mash with friends can be even better – you get to see footage that you may not have seen before, and together share special moments of someone special. 

Using photographs and video, both old and new, we will help you tell your story and create something that you will enjoy forever. Its impact can make your intended recipient laugh out loud, or cry tears of happiness or both.

Video greeting cards for every occasion

Make a fun personalised greeting card videos with family and friends, perhaps in which you sing/mime/dance/perform for someone special, to the music of your choice, whatever the occassion. Trust us, it has wow impact and definitely makes sure it's a celebration to remember.

It's time to celebrate!

Personalised video greeting cards are more than special. They can be fun, heartfelt, deeply touching and and perhaps the most unique way to celebrate someone special. The feedback we recieve is incredible and we're so happy to have helped others feel amazing on their special day. 

Engagements, Weddings, Anniversaries

Make videos to celebrate your big day!

It’s your wedding, your big day, your special moment. Whether big or small, with dedicated photographers and videographers or just friends, family with their cameras and smartphones, capture the occasion like never before with a celebration video by Mash-Maker.

Take all the videos and photos leading up to and of your wedding day and compile them all together exactly the way you want it, now that you’ve got all the photos, and video footage of the event, as well as video greeting from both near and far.

Celebrate your Wedding Anniversary

If you’re looking for a special gift to celebrate your wedding anniversary, then what better than a video to help you look back on your wedding day, on all your favourite moments and all you’ve achieved together in time since. Add in a special message – we can help your record the ideal video, audio or simply add your words as text on the screen.

Want something different? Then why not do an all singing or all dancing extravaganza? Or perhaps you have even more amazing ideas of your own – then just let us know and we will make sure the result is a video to celebrate, again and again. 


Celebrate your engagement, your wedding, your anniversary or just being together with a special video. Let us compile all the different photos, videos and moments of your life come together in a special celebration you can enjoy forever.

Celebrate new adventures

Life is full of adventure! 

Looking through the eyes of a child, the world is just so full of possibility and adventure. Every day can be exciting as we get to experience something new, or somewhere new. Our life is only as limited as our imagination takes us. 

As we get older, we often forget that each day is a new opportunity to make a new story for ourselves or to re-live our previous adventures. Even digital photos and videos are either gathering dust somewhere in a box, or getting lost in an ocean of other files somewhere in the cloud.

What adventure do you want to share today?

For instance, the birth of a child? Their first steps? A special birthday? A wedding? An anniversary? A family vacation? A festive holiday? Or perhaps a tribute video to celebrate someone that’s no longer with us?

At MashMaker, we’ll help you to share your unique message and to treasure your precious memories. Making Mash with friends can be even better – you get to see footage that you may not have seen before, and together share special moments of someone special. 

Using photographs and video, both old and new, we will help you tell your story and create something that you will enjoy forever. Its impact can make your intended recipient laugh out loud, or cry tears of happiness or both.

Life is full of adventure!

Looking through the eyes of a child, the world is just so full of possibility and adventure. Every day can be exciting as we get to experience something new, or somewhere new. Our life is only as limited as our imagination takes us. Whether it's the birth of your child, their first steps, a special birthday, compile your special moments into a video you'll want to watch forever. 

Make a Tribute Video

Tribute videos are sometimes made by the people left behind. This might be as a video to be played during a funeral ceremony, at a wake or simply in a shared remembrance of that loved one. 

But sometimes the videos are made by the person leaving, perhaps in the twilight of old age or a terminal illness. it’s important to show others just how much they mean and by using old photographs and videos capturing wonderful memories, as well as personal last messages caught on camera, all played along to the soundtrack of their life – this can be a final farewell to remember.

Videos to never forget

There are people in our lives that just simply mean so much and it's incredibly difficult when we have to say goodbye. Tribute videos are a uniquely personal way to say goodbye that’s both respectful and uniquely tailored to the dearly departed or those you're leaving behind

Videos to enjoy fur-ever

Make your adventures with your furry friends last forever by making a video with MashMaker. 

Whether you’ve got a cat or dog, budgie or goldfish, pony or something more exotic, your animal companion is special to you. They’re there for you unconditionally and share important moments in your lives that you treasure – even if it’s just going for a daily walk with your dog, or if your cat brings you a gift from the garden (something that it has caught especially for you!). Those without pets may not understand the support your animal gives back to you, asking little back in return. 

So what better to curate your favourite moments with your pet and turn it into a video you’ll want to watch fur-ever.

Fur-ever videos

Compile photos and videos of your pets and celebrate their unique impact on your life.